Business Insider: Okibo the revolution of Construction industry

Revolutionize the construction industry by applying smart robotic solutions on construction sites. This is a platform for robots to revolutionize the construction industry, capable of moving freely within construction sites while automatically performing various tasks. Thus this robot application is for drywall finishing tasks: joint taping, plastering, sanding and painting.…

Business Insider: Tesla Optimus Gen-2: Musk’s Robot Can Gently Carry an Egg

Tesla unveiled Optimus Gen-2, the 2nd generation of the Tesla Bot. This bipedal robot has the ability to walk independently, dance, and manipulate physical objects. According to Optimus’ official bio, the robot is “a general purpose, bi-pedal, humanoid robot capable of performing tasks that are unsafe, repetitive or boring.”…

Business Insider: TRI Teaching Robots to Help People in their Homes

Autonomous order fulfillment in grocery stores is a particularly good way to drive the robot project development of mobile manipulation capabilities because it encompasses a host of difficult challenges for robots, including perceiving and manipulating a large variety of objects, navigating an ever-changing environment, and reacting to unexpected circumstances. A…

Business Insider: Robot UV local sterilization

A dual-arm humanoid robot that provides new applications for a variety of service tasks including delivery, security, eldercare, kiosk operation, and ultra-violet germicidal disinfection. Aeo is available as a robot as a service and features plug-and-play attachments and integration with third-party developers such as Asratec of Japan and Malibu…